Wednesday, October 8, 2008

55 Trillion Reasons To Own Gold and Silver

The Real National Debt Is Over 55 Trillion Dollars and Growing With Each Private Bank Bailout

Gold is currently trading at over $900 per ounce! Being at war with terrorists and the fighting in Iraq continues to cost taxpayers countless dollars. Add to the equation millions of unemployed Americans, rampant corporate fraud, out-of-control government spending, along with our inability to balance the budget, and yuo have an insurmountable debt that tops $7 trillion and continues to grow. It is now harder than ever to obtain financial security. There is, however, good news. The Gold Market has outperformed the S& P 500 for the past five years. In addition the performance of CD's and savings accounts can't even come close to the gains that Gold has made. That is why now is the time to move paper assets into Gold. Catastrophic debt, devalued dollars and floundering economies have proven to be the perfect breeding ground that sends Gold through the roof. Gold moved to a new 16-year high March 13, 2008 and is still over $900 per ounce. Don't be left behind while others profit from this rising market.

GOLD IS Always Better than Money in the Bank! If you had $50,000 in the bank and you transferred it into Gold at today's prices, you would have an opportunity to gain as much as 5 times it's value. On the other hand, if you leave that same $50,000 in the bank for 10 years, chances are , it's going to be worth less than $50,000. When you convert money to Gold, you haven't spent your have transferred its value from a decling paper currency to a precious metal that is rising in both market and numistatic value. This is how the genius of owning Gold protects your money in today's very volatile market. Smart money managers are currently moving a percentage of their assets into Gold. With predictions of it's price rising to never-before-seen-highs, now is a gret time to get in.

We have desigined a simple method of leveraged networking that allows you to acquire these coins for nearly 60% less than market value. And by using our progressive strategies, you can create an Annual income of $100,000 (or more) in a year or less! In this program, the company pays for the call, makes thesales presentation for you, and even mails the materials to your prospect. All you do is get people to request the free information and then follow up. No gimmicks, pyramids or money games to sell...just the best direct sales networking program ever created for making your financial dreams come true.

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