Wednesday, March 25, 2009


NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- Last Wednesday's Federal
Reserve debt monetization announcement was the event gold bugs have
been anticipating all their professional lives, or at least since the
last gold bull market blow-off 30 years ago. They are triumphant -- and

Australia's The Privateer said on Sunday: "On March

18 ... U.S. Fed announced plans to begin to buy U.S. government debt
paper with Federal Reserve Notes (a.k.a. U.S. Dollars) created out of
thin air. ... On our Web site, we announced that decision as the 'END
GAME.' That is precisely what it is." See Privateer Web site. Even more
impressive: the reaction of less committed gold gazers. The Gartman
Letter, which had been debating shorting gold a few days earlier,
remarked: "We thought 'quantitative easing' was a matter of time, a
matter of 'when, not if.' Yesterday, 'when' came."
And Gartman bought a significant gold position.

Dow Theory Letters' Richard Russell was even more

dramatic. On Friday he said: "I've written in the past that if you want
to make 'BIG' money in the market, you have to take an over-sized
position and be dead right on the trend. The last time I did that was
in late 1958. ... I did extremely well on that fateful ride, and I
never again had the nerve to take that large a position -- until now.

"I started building my gold position in 1999. ... My

gold position now is comparable to my market position back in 1958 ...
maybe 30% of my total worth. Why have I done this again? "(1) I believe
gold is in a major or primary bull market. I believe the gold bull
market is currently in its second phase. This is the phase where
sophisticated and seasoned investors and the funds enter the market.
... "(2) If there is only one bull market in progress, it will attract
broad new coverage and attention -- just as Thursday's $70 rise in gold
"(3) I believe the bear market in stocks will continue erratically and
the deflationary trends will persist. ... Bernanke will stop at nothing
(including massive printing of dollars) in his effort to halt deflation.

Some gold enthusiasts are even sensing that gold

shares might start outperforming gold -- after a long phase of dismal
relative behavior. GoldMoney's James Turk said in his Freemarket Gold
and Money Report on Sunday: "The mining stocks remain one of the few
areas of strength within the stock market. ... I particularly like
Friday's action. The Phlx Gold Silver Index. XAU.X shrugged off the
early weakness in gold, and also the late-day slide in the Dow Jones
Industrials and other major averages." See GoldMoney Web site. This
point is also made at Bill Murphy's LeMetropoleCafe. His writers have a
particular fear of late sell-offs in the gold indices because they
suspect it heralds market manipulation. But there was no sell-off on
Friday. See LeMetropoleCafe Web site.

A gold-skeptic recruit to this view is long-term
chartist Martin Pring. In his Weekly InfoMovie Report, he wrote: "The
Market Vectors ETF Tr. GDX is right at this potential reverse head and
shoulders. ... If the shares can complete the pattern with a break
above $37.50, they will probably lead the price of the yellow metal
higher. ...Gold could be on the verge of an historic breakout." GDX
closed Friday at $37.55.

But while the gold bugs are triumphant, they are
terrified about the implications for the U.S. economy. Martin Pring
writes: "The Fed's policy of buying an unprecedented amount bonds, in
effect monetizing the debt, represents an extremely high-risk gamble.
... It will require some uncharacteristically clever sleight of hand
and willpower down the road to preclude extreme inflationary pressures
from building." James Turk wonders: "How bad is it out there that the
Fed would take this big gamble to risk hyperinflating the dollar to try
saving insolvent banks? What does Bernanke see that he would expand the
Federal Reserve's balance sheet by another $1.2 trillion? What is he
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Cash 4 Gold

In these uncertain economic times, many of us are looking for ways to save and create more where there is less. One option that has sprouted wings is Cash 4 Gold. The reason for this is very clear.

Many people are taking advantage of high gold prices to turn unwanted jewelry into cash, but others wonder whether cashing in their old gold is an idea whose time has not yet come. Couldn't gold prices go a lot higher? they are asking.

Gold hit a record high of  over $1,000 per ounce this month as it did in March of 2008. After a little correction it stands at $939.00. Experts and Gold bugs believe the metal is still relatively cheap. In inflation-adjusted terms, the previous high of $850 an ounce in 1980 translates to about $2,200 today. Can we anticipate such a price anytime soon (see Gold The Barbarous relic you can trust)? Gold Investors buy gold because they want something that doesn’t have a question mark behind it. Does the yellow metal depends on its lenders? No. Are its earnings at risk? No. Does it have any toxic assets? No.

Gold in the art of bread consumption
The Dollar Is Burning
Reason Why You Should Acquire Gold and Silver

If the face of all this economic turmoil we are glad that there is something that can be a safe haven or a hedge against inflation and recession. As much as the pundits want to defame Gold and Silver, the proof is in the pudding. 

Gold is the best performing asset in the world right now.

Investors are realizing why Gold is so precious: it retains purchasing power better than any other currency - hands down.

This is why it is making all time highs in several world currencies that are growing weaker by the day.

A new phase in the Gold price increase is about to be entered upon, regardless if a correction first appears as suspected.

  • The reason the market will be flooded with trillions of deflating paper dollars
  • Demand for Gold and silver has quadrupled since 2008
  • More and more average investors see the Gold and Silver and "Real Money"

Note that it is possible for Gold to make a run at its all-time high without first correcting.

Why Owning Paper Dollars Will Bankrupt You
The founding fathers were concerned about the unrestrained control of the money supply. One thing they all agreed upon was the limitation on the issuance of paper money.

Thomas Jefferson warned of the damage that would be caused if the people assigned control of the money supply to the banking sector.

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. Already they have raised up a money aristocracy that has set the government at defiance. This issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of the moneyed corporations which already dare to challenge our Government to a trial of strength and bid defiance to the laws of our country" Thomas Jefferson, 1791

Jefferson and many of the founding fathers experienced the damage caused by fiat currency.

History has shown us that tying Gold and Silver to the dollar was the only way to keep are system honest. When that was abandoned 1971 by then President Nixon we have seen nothing but waves of inflation, deflation and recession. The real storm in the ocean has begun to reveal itself and we cannot contain a tsunami. The only thing we can do is protect ourselves, families and move to higher ground.

The Bullionaires Club is moving it's members to higher ground by showing members how to earn Gold and Silver Bullion. Using system of direct sales and networking, members are able to acquire bullion at 60% less than market and earn dollars. Though we advocate acquiring as much Gold and Silver as possible, we also realize that Dollars are still used to purchase goods and services. So, our members can earn an income to pay bills, food, shelter and buy other things of value. Join us as we create a movement of fellow Americans helping on another to earn Gold and Silver Bullion plus Cash.

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Gold and Silver MLM, Network Marketing, Know The Difference!

"There Is No Shortage of Wealth In This Country, Just People Who Really Desire It"

Network Marketing, Multi Level Marketing, MLM, What is the difference? The names may differ but they refer to a system that is one of the fastest growing methods of moving products or services in the world today. It is similar to any business that hires people to sell a product and earn commissions but, without the huge financial and time investment it requirements.

There are a lot of misinformed people as it pertains to this subject so I want to clear up the myths, lies and the prejudice

Network Marketing
is a simple method of distributing products and services... It has nothing to do with the company or type of company that you are with. it is simply that the company has chosen Network Marketing as it's business model. This business model is the company's preferred sales and distribution method. Instead of the company setting up house sales force to market the product or service, they allow people to independently sell/market it. In a `conventional' business, a company will spend millions of Dollars, training salespeople and advertising its products or services to potential customers.

* How much do you think an advertising campaign on TV, or a campaign in the daily newspapers, costs?
* Or full page glossy features in magazines with superstars earning millions for their endorsement of trainers, golf clubs, anti aging skincare products, clothing?
* Or the cost of cosmetic counters in departmental stores with demonstrators giving free makeovers or anti aging skincare testing?

In a `conventional' business, a company moves its products through a string of outlets, all of which incur running costs and additional profits which all have to be added to the final cost. The result is that all these additional costs can equate to 85% or more of the final price paid by the eventual consumer. In Network Marketing, the company usually deals directly with the end consumer or via independent distributors - either way the independent distributor who referred the customer will receive commission every time that customer buys. This method reduces the overall costs and allows the company to pay commissions to its distributors. This often allows the company to produce better quality products / services at very competitive prices and still receive a high profit margin which they share with distributors.

Which of the following options do you think would be the one that would get YOU to buy Product X?

1. A total stranger on a TV advert telling you that Product A weight loss product is the greatest of its kind in the world, or2. An advert in a national newspaper telling you that Product A weight loss product is the greatest of its kind in the world, or 3. A friend who you trust, recommending you buy Product A weight loss product because they have personally used it and believe it to be the greatest of its kind in the world

For most, it would be option 3, 'a friend who you trust that had personally tried and recommended Product A weight loss product'. Tens of thousands of companies use the incredible power of personal recommendations and either have MLM divisions of their own or offer you a gift or incentive to recommend their products to others. How many times have you recommended a movie or a restaurant and then have the manager of the establishment pay you a commission? I bet it's NEVER! Well, in Network Marketing you DO get paid for recommending your company's product or service to someone. And, usually, you get paid every time that person spends money with your company. There are two types of people in this world:

* The ones who pick up a check every month for recommending products / services
* The ones who do not pick up a check every month for recommending products / services

Which one would you rather be? Now, so far this sounds like a direct selling operation paying commissions to self-employed agents doesn't it? Of course it does! Well here is the BIG difference: You want to earn extra money when you introduce like-minded people who also want to earn extra money, you will earn a continuing commission on THEIR EFFORTS, too - and on the efforts of the people that they bring in! In most companies, this goes on for several layers of people- now that is powerful! You are basically developing a network of people and leveraging your efforts and money and their efforts and money in the same way that a Sales Manager would get an over-riding commission on his/her team's efforts. The difference is that you could have people in your network that you earn from even though you have not personally introduced them all - and probably will never have contact with them either! This is typical for Multi-Level Marketing (MLM). For example, If I introduce six people into one of my businesses and I teach them how to do what I do, in 8 months my business could grow to over 18,500 people. In a MLM, I would earn income from most of them - but all I did was introduce six people and taught them to do what I did! As I already said at the beginning of this article...


Be part of it! Go to

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Economic Stimulus Plan For The People.

The Bullionaires Club is announcing their launch of a Grassroots Economic Stimulus Campaign to educate, empower and inspire people suffering from the current economic crisis and to support the President's effort to stimulate the economy.

The Bullionaires Club will begin a series of FREE tele-seminars designed to educate, motivate and inspire people to take charge of their "Financial Destiny. The Bullionaires Club will participate in Global Entrepreneurship Week in conjunction with the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, its founders and several partners.

The initial seminars will occur November 18th 19th and 20th, 2008. This event will be the jump off point for the campaign. The campaign will continue with more seminars which will be scheduled on-line and in classroom settings.

"We're ecstatic to be able to participate in Global Entrepreneurship Week. We know economic problems cannot be solved entirely by the government. Now is when the meaning of "Yes We Can" has to translate into action so, we are doing our part.


Join us on our seminars and learn about real money, how you can build your personal wealth, community wealth and help the country.
Learn about Cooperative Economics and how you can use it to create.
Learn about Passion and Desire and how to redirect those emotions to help you achieve anything in life.
We will also show people a way to gain economic stability, financial security and financial freedom.

Go To: For More Information


Tuesday, November 18th at 7:00PM EST.
Presentation by Michael Muhammed
"Learn about "Real Money" and how to Claim or Reclaim Your Financial Destiny".

Wednesday, November 19th at 7:30PM EST.
Presentation by Njideka Olantude
"Learn about Cooperative Economics and How You Can Use The Principles To Create Personal Business and Community Wealth".

Thursday, November 20th at 7:30PM EST.
Presentation by D.C. Sparrow
"Passion and Desire, How to Use These Powerful Emotions To Create The Life You Desire".

The Bullionaires Club is a private club. Our mission is to educate, motivate, empower and inspire people to take charge of their financial destiny. The Bullionaires Club has local chapters in:

Washinton D.C.
Detroit, Michigan
Kingston, Jamaica

For more information about The Bullionaires Club and upcoming events contact D.C. Sparrow at 1-866-790-0646 or Michael Muhammad 1-866-790-0646,

For more information about Global Entreprenuership Week and the Events go to:
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Sunday, October 19, 2008

American Eagle Bullion Coins Gold and Silver Network Marketing and MLM-What Shortage?

I'm curious as to why precious metal prices have fallen from the record high levels set earlier this year, most, if not all dealers, are experiencing shortages, and retail buyers are finding it harder to obtain gold and silver coins.

The U.S. Mint, claims they never ran out of supply before, has sold out of its 1-ounce gold and silver coins, and the refining company that mints the South African Kruggerand gold coin announced it also had run out of supply. Big Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Gold and silver are known as crisis commodities that tend to appreciate in value under the worse economic conditions. But at a time when many investors are unsure about the government bailout plan and more concerned about the financial system, the price of precious metals has dropped while demand appears to be rising.Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.

There is substantial disconnect between the paper and physical market for precious metals. Buyers who are able to find silver coins will pay more than $20 an ounce to obtain them and around $1,000 an ounce for gold.

Much of the recent decline in the paper value of gold, silver, platinum and palladium can be traced to the collapse of investment banks and hedge funds on Wall Street, said Peter Schiff, president of Euro Pacific Capital in Darien, Conn., and author of "The Little Book of Bull Moves in Bear Markets."

Many of the Wall Street firms devastated by the credit crunch were forced to sell their precious metals assets to shore up their balance sheets or meet leverage calls. The avalanche of sales in the paper market for precious metals triggered a drop in price.

Peter Schiff says "Ultimately, people who are buying gold now are doing the right thing. "The dollar is at risk and a lot of inflation is being created. Gold will retain its value even if they bought it at $950 or $1,000. The drop is only temporary."

Read James Turks "The Collapse of the Dollar.""The paper market has driven the price of gold and silver down to a level that is not sustainable, and you'll see a snap back," Turk said. "I remain bullish."Some of the largest wholesalers in the world are out of gold and silver bullion.

Monex, a big gold dealer in Newport Beach, Calif., said the company was out of three-quarters of the bullion products they normally carry. Kitco Bullion Dealers in Canada recently posted a notice on the company's Web site apologizing for its inability to fulfill all existing client orders.

Blaine Shiff, co-owner of in Dormont, Pa. hits it right on target "Something is up. But I don't know what."

In volatile times such as these in which there is a credit crisis and growing doubt about the stability of the financial system, gold is unique in that it has no counterparty risks. It is a tangible asset that is not dependent on someone else's promise.

It is unclear how much the federal bailout plan will do to help calm the financial markets, personally I think it will hurt when all is said and done. Addison Wiggin, executive producer of the movie "I.O.U.S.A." and founder of Agora Financial in Baltimore, is convinced that it will lead to higher inflation and higher prices for precious metals, which are a hedge against inflation. My sentiments exactly.

The bailout tab so far, he says, will add about $1.8 trillion in government debt along with massive amounts of lost equity for stock market investors. The government is hiding from the American people the fact that there is Trillions more in debt. upward of 55 Tillion. Your children and grand-children will pay this debt.

"A huge amount of institutional money is in three-month Treasury bills on the sidelines," Wiggin said. "My guess is things will start shaking loose after the election. As these three-month T-bills mature, they will either roll back into Treasuries or into precious metals."

Earlier this week, the United States Mint took further actions to meet the increased demand for gold and silver bullion coins. This included production halts for certain bullion offerings and the continued allocation for one ounce Gold and Silver American Eagle coins. Join The Bullionaires Club Now - Don't Get Caught With Your Pants Down.

Within the memorandum sent to authorized bullion purchasers, the US Mint specifically stated, "gold and silver demand is unprecedented." Throughout the course of this year, the Mint has provided similar explanations each time a new suspension or allocation program went into effect. While sales of Silver Eagle coins are higher than any other year in history, the sales of Gold Eagle coins are far below their peak.

The following table shows the ounces of gold sold by the United States Mint in the form of American Eagle Gold bullion coins. These figures are taken from the US Mint website. You can visit the link for monthly data, as well as the figures for Silver and Platinum Eagles.

American Gold Eagle Bullion Sales (ounces)1986 1,787,750
1987 1,253,000
1988 851,000
1989 839,000
1990 715,000
1991 472,000
1992 638,600
1993 796,000
1994 559,500
1995 600,500
1996 729,500
1997 1,317,000
1998 1,839,500
1999 2,055,500
2000 164,500
2001 325,000
2002 315,000
2003 484,500
2004 536,000
2005 449,000
2006 261,000
2007 198,500
2008 492,000*
*through October 2008

While the number of ounces of gold sold has already more than doubled from last year, it still does not approach the levels reached during the several prior years, most notably 1998 and 1999. Very Fishy, If it walks like a Duck it's a Duck (Manipulation)

In terms of monthly demand, during 2008 the highest number of ounces sold was in September at 113,000 ounces. During 1998 and 1999, there were seven months with sales in excess of 200,000 ounces. The highest monthly sales total occurred in October 1998 at 288,500 ounces.

The demand for American Gold Eagles is clearly not unprecedented. What's actually unprecedented is the suspension and allocation of Gold Eagle coins. Even amidst the booming demand of the pre-Y2K years, the US Mint never resorted to suspensions or allocation programs. Why is the US Mint having so much trouble keeping pace with demand this year? Hmmmmmmmmmm.

The mainstream press has recently given coverage to the US Mint's suspensions and allocations of gold and silver bullion coins. The stories have always reported about the US Mint's inability to produce enough coins to meet demand. Given that the Mint has been able to produce far greater quantities of gold bullion coins in the past, I think the real story is the Mint's inability to obtain the physical gold needed for the coins. Now the story gets clearer. Read the next part very clearly and think but most of act on your behalf join the Bullionaires Club

But that just raises another question: With unfulfilled physical demand, why has the market price of gold remained stagnant? I think we will see this situation play out with some interesting consequences during the remainder of the year.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

55 Trillion Reasons To Own Gold and Silver

The Real National Debt Is Over 55 Trillion Dollars and Growing With Each Private Bank Bailout

Gold is currently trading at over $900 per ounce! Being at war with terrorists and the fighting in Iraq continues to cost taxpayers countless dollars. Add to the equation millions of unemployed Americans, rampant corporate fraud, out-of-control government spending, along with our inability to balance the budget, and yuo have an insurmountable debt that tops $7 trillion and continues to grow. It is now harder than ever to obtain financial security. There is, however, good news. The Gold Market has outperformed the S& P 500 for the past five years. In addition the performance of CD's and savings accounts can't even come close to the gains that Gold has made. That is why now is the time to move paper assets into Gold. Catastrophic debt, devalued dollars and floundering economies have proven to be the perfect breeding ground that sends Gold through the roof. Gold moved to a new 16-year high March 13, 2008 and is still over $900 per ounce. Don't be left behind while others profit from this rising market.

GOLD IS Always Better than Money in the Bank! If you had $50,000 in the bank and you transferred it into Gold at today's prices, you would have an opportunity to gain as much as 5 times it's value. On the other hand, if you leave that same $50,000 in the bank for 10 years, chances are , it's going to be worth less than $50,000. When you convert money to Gold, you haven't spent your have transferred its value from a decling paper currency to a precious metal that is rising in both market and numistatic value. This is how the genius of owning Gold protects your money in today's very volatile market. Smart money managers are currently moving a percentage of their assets into Gold. With predictions of it's price rising to never-before-seen-highs, now is a gret time to get in.

We have desigined a simple method of leveraged networking that allows you to acquire these coins for nearly 60% less than market value. And by using our progressive strategies, you can create an Annual income of $100,000 (or more) in a year or less! In this program, the company pays for the call, makes thesales presentation for you, and even mails the materials to your prospect. All you do is get people to request the free information and then follow up. No gimmicks, pyramids or money games to sell...just the best direct sales networking program ever created for making your financial dreams come true.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Time To Buy as Much Silver and Gold as You Can


This is a great time to take a truck to your local Gold and Silver Bullion Dealer. There's a sale (YAHOO) going on in the precious metals department and you should not miss it. It's like going to a department store and hearing the blue-light specials of the day. The difference is what you are buying will not deteriorate or depreciate when you walk out the door. If your not on the Silver and Gold train you should get on while the train is moving slowly. Once the train goes into hyper-speed, it will be too late.